Aflevering #126 Eng The Seasons Of Entrepreneurship: Learning And Growing Through Challenges

· Aflevering van de podcast: De Donkere Kamer

Welcome to a new episode of “De Donkere Kamer podcast.” Today we dive into the theme of growing pains and suffering as part of personal choices and business development. Our host, Kaat, has just returned from an inspiring trip to rugged Patagonia in Argentina, where she rediscovered her passion for photography. In this episode, Kaat discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by growth within a company and the importance of self-care and work-life balance. She highlights how leaders must work through problems without falling into a victim role and the importance of mentorship and support, such as through Connect membership. DDK website: tickets for the live shows: sign up for Connect: private podcast: instagram: @dedonkerekamer_be

De Donkere Kamer

De Donkere Kamer

Gemaakt door: Kaat Celis Eerste aflevering: 28-05-2023

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#126 ENG The seasons of entrepreneurship: learning and growing through challenges

De Donkere Kamer · 28-11-2024

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