What an honor to receive the CTO of Picnic in our broadcast. If there is a company in the Netherlands that has embedded Data and Algorithms into the capillaries, it is Picnic. We talk to CTO Daniel Gebler about the challenges of the retail sector and how Picnic solves these challenges with algorithms. How do you plan for seasons in retail? Can you train Easter, Pentecost and Christmas on each other with algorithms? How do you plan for the unplannable, such as Covid19? And Daniel also explains to us how Picnic has set up its Data Science teams. And gives tips to all Dutch retail companies to become data-driven? How cool!
Gemaakt door: Jurjen Helmus | Walter van der Scheer | Lex knape | Harm Bodewes |Sander Hulsman | Eerste aflevering: 29-03-2022
De podcast De Dataloog heeft in totaal 265 afleveringen
Maker: Jurjen Helmus | Walter van der Scheer | Lex knape | Harm Bodewes |Sander Hulsman | Datum: 17-05-2021
Maker: Jurjen Helmus | Walter van der Scheer | Lex knape | Harm Bodewes |Sander Hulsman | Datum: 21-06-2021
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