Voor het eerst, in English. I met an adorable, stunning young lady at this afterparty. When I asked her what she does for a living, she tells me she dates. As amazing as that sounds - I go on dates too, sometimes shitty ones. I can CHARGE people for that? - the world of sugardating has a dark side too. We discuss the rules of sugardating, how to get started, amazing memories, horrorscenarios, finding actual connections through this type of dating and whatever questions you would have asked. It's like we've known each other for years.
Gemaakt door: Maud Riemens Eerste aflevering: 09-02-2024
De podcast De After heeft in totaal 17 afleveringen
Maker: Maud Riemens Datum: 24-03-2022
Maker: Maud Riemens Datum: 15-06-2022
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