Alan Clements is a renowned speaker, writer, activst and satirist. At the age of 25 he became the first westerner to be ordained as a buddhist monk in a monastery in Myanmar, He has studied consciousness and mindfulness and devotes his time to writing and pubclic speaking about consciouisness, freedom and spirituality. Alan has gone far beyond beying spiritually incorrect in his shows to include the topic everyone is yearning to understand- relationships and their complexity. This conversation is about mindful intelligence, being a rebel, but mostyl about sonscious relationships, love and living from a place of authenticity and truth. Enjoy!
Gemaakt door: David Pieters Eerste aflevering: 10-04-2022
De podcast David Pieters Podcast heeft in totaal 141 afleveringen
Maker: David Pieters Datum: 28-11-2019
Maker: David Pieters Datum: 19-12-2019
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