In this Podcast Casey McCune and I explore the topic of balancing our inner Masculine and Feminine energies to achieve our ultimate potential. We all have masculine and feminine energy inside of us and these energies hold the key to achieving our ultimate potential. When we are in balance, we are the best version of our self and nothing can stop us from moving forward. When our feminine side is creative and expressive and our masculine side is focused and determined, nothing can hold us back. The feminine creates the vision and the masculine forms the structure, when they work together in balance we achieve flow, that elusive state where everything seems to go our way. So how do we achieve that balance? We will discuss common ways many of us get stuck and identify the imbalances that can cause these. We will cover the traits that each of our energies is responsible I will share valuable exercises to help you with common imbalances.
Gemaakt door: David Pieters Eerste aflevering: 10-04-2022
De podcast David Pieters Podcast heeft in totaal 141 afleveringen
Maker: David Pieters Datum: 03-01-2019
Maker: David Pieters Datum: 17-01-2019
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