Aflevering A Christmas Carol: The First Of The Three Spirits

· Aflevering van de podcast: Dateline NBC

The Ghost of Christmas Past visits Scrooge and takes him back to his own childhood. He’s reminded that he was shown kindness as a young man, and had even been in love, before his greed took over.

Dateline NBC

Dateline NBC

Gemaakt door: NBC News Eerste aflevering: 01-03-2020

De podcast Dateline NBC heeft in totaal 875 afleveringen

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A Christmas Carol: Marley’s Ghost

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A Christmas Carol: The Second of the Three Spirits

Maker: NBC News Datum: 21-12-2024

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A Christmas Carol: The First of the Three Spirits

Dateline NBC · 21-12-2024

00:00 00:37:19