Half a billion viewers around the world tuned in to watch Neil Armstrong take his first steps on the moon's surface in 1969. It was one of the greatest television moments in history - and many suggest Stanley Kubrick should have received a Best Director award for the broadcast. Even today, there's considerable speculation that putting a man on the moon is a task too difficult for even the best astronauts to accomplish. Parcasters - To learn about an iconic event in American history, check out our our new episode on John McCain on HOSTAGE, wherever you get your shows. Listen now at parcast.com/hostage Sponsors! BetterHelp - Go to BetterHelp.com/Conspiracy to get 10% off your first month with discount code CONSPIRACY.
Gemaakt door: Parcast Eerste aflevering: 08-08-2020
De podcast Conspiracy Theories heeft in totaal 317 afleveringen
Maker: Parcast Datum: 27-02-2019
Maker: Parcast Datum: 13-03-2019
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