In 1995, the Denver International Airport opened 16 months over schedule and nearly 2 billion dollars over budget. In the nearly 25 years since, all manner of conspiracies have plagued the airport, centered around the weird art, unusual architecture, and unanswered questions about the airport's construction. Parcasters - George and Barbara Kogan had a happy marriage before a younger woman entered the scene. When millions of dollars are on the line, love becomes slightly more complicated. Listen to our new episode of Crimes of Passion on Spotify, or wherever you get your Parcast Originals!
Gemaakt door: Parcast Eerste aflevering: 08-08-2020
De podcast Conspiracy Theories heeft in totaal 317 afleveringen
Maker: Parcast Datum: 03-07-2019
Maker: Parcast Datum: 17-07-2019
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