Aflevering Heaven’S Gate Pt. 4: The Exit

· Aflevering van de podcast: Conspiracy Theories

As the days count down to Hale-Bopp’s arrival, 39 people prepare for ascension. They’d abandoned their old lives, embraced a new ideology, weathered the death of a beloved leader… and finally, made themselves worthy of the Next Level. Now, the comet was coming. And with it, the spaceship that would ferry them onward. In March of 1997, they left everything behind. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories

Gemaakt door: Parcast Eerste aflevering: 08-08-2020

De podcast Conspiracy Theories heeft in totaal 315 afleveringen

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Heaven’s Gate Pt. 4: The Exit

Conspiracy Theories · 31-03-2022

00:00 00:47:25