This in an English spoken CIP Podcast about IoT. Phil Zimmerman, inventor of the PGP cryptography protocol, shares his thoughts on the risks of using IoT equipment at home, in the office and in our infrastructure. Phil illustrates his story with very practical examples. Ben van Lier co-host raises additional questions and statements. IoT devices are already posing a significant threat to our cyber security and privacy. Their main message: wake up and be aware! And strive for appropriate legislation.
Gemaakt door: Walter van Wijk Eerste aflevering: 29-03-2022
De podcast CIP PodCast - voor meer kennis over informatieveiligheid heeft in totaal 105 afleveringen
Maker: Walter van Wijk Datum: 13-12-2021
Maker: Walter van Wijk Datum: 21-12-2021
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