Career IQ 's podcast

Career IQ 's Podcast

Career IQ- un programa den cual bo host nan, Kareline v.d Linden y Darice Solognier, dos Millennial cu un pasion pa crecemento y desaroyo personal, conhuntamente cu invitadonan special, lo ofrecebo conseho profesional y practico pa asina bo crece, avansa bo carea,y disfruta di e bida cu abo ta desea.

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 4-2-2025 14:20:01
  • Maker: Kareline V/D Linden & Darice Solognier
  • Taal: nl-nl
  • Laatste RSS update: 10-3-2025 08:44:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 7-1-2019 03:00:00
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 18-12-2023 01:00:00


154 Afleveringen

  • 00:56:42

    Den e episodio aki Erin ta comparti cu nos su trajectoria den e mundo di media cu mas di 35 aña di experiencia. Erin ta comparti tipsnan valioso pa mejora den bo carera, e importancia di consistencia, y ta un hende reliable y cumpli cu bo ...

  • 01:00:47

    Den e episodio aki Sjeidy ta conta nos di su experiencia y carera, con e ta adapta na retonan dificil, y lesnan clave cu a convirtie den un persona mas resiliente! ...

  • 01:05:41

    Den e episodio aki  Pauline y Cefrenne ta conta nos di tur cos cu bo mester sa over di seguro pa Negoshi pero tambe riba base personal. Nan ta comparti e beneficio di cumpra via un broker, y differente tips riba maneha bo negoshi y maneha ...

  • 01:09:25

    On this episode Tyson explains the definition of sustainability and gives us tips on building a more sustainable business, and tips on what you can do at home to be more sustainable. ...

  • 00:54:47

    In this episode, hosts Kareline & Darysse talk to Marielle about finding joy in work. How a career switch made her experience complete fulfillment and to remember that it's never too late to pursue what you are really passionate a ...

  • 00:56:21

    Den e episodio aki Noemi ta conta nos di su trayectoria den su carera cuminsando den e departamento di activities , y creciendo te awe den e posicion di Marketing Manager.  Noemi ta share cu nos tips , y tambe pasonan clave cu a yude den s ...

  • 00:57:40

    In this episode we talk to managing  partner at Grant Thornton Aruba  , Rachel Maduro. Rachel shares her career journey with us , attributes that contributed to her success and shares tips on what you can do to encourage growth in your car ...


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