Woeker met je Talent en Heel je Wonden zegt kunstenaar Bert Barten. Een inspirerend gesprek over het verhaal dat zich in het leven afspeelt. Meer over Bert: Talented in a wide range of fields - Bert Barten is an artist, a theater director as well as a composer, an entrepreneur and even a real estate designer - you might call Barten a true Renaissance Man. His gift is for integrating multiple art forms. Barten easily combines theater, film, music, visuals arts and dance into spectacular, opera-like mass events. His imaginative modern day adaptations of theatre classics caught headlines and attracted tens of thousands of people. He rocked a medieval castle with his interpretation of The Tempest (Shakespeare), staged La Divinia Commedia (Dante) in a real harbor setting, played The Odyssey (Homer) in empty office buildings, Faust (Goethe) on a massive garbage heap and played Don Quichot at a harbor setting in Rotterdam. However massive his stage productions may be, Barten never forgets to focus on the emotional experience of the individual spectator. The mental state of human beings in relation to their surroundings has always been a driving force in his work. Besides that, environmental and corporate social responsibility issues continue to be of great importance to Barten. He has done work for organizations such as Greenpeace, Unicef, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and the Dutch national heritage foundation. Barten was honored for his groundbreaking theatre and film oeuvre at the Theatre Festival of Vienna. His soundtrack for the nature documentary The War Of The Ants won an award in Japan. For his theatre spectaculars, he received an AVN Tourism Prize. And his contributions to the film 'Het Leven Dat Wij Droomden' (The Life We Dreamed) earned him a nomination for a 'Gouden Kalf', the Dutch Oscar. Specialties: Key words: pioneer, visionair, entrepeneur, networker, consciousness developer, transformer, inspiring, creative and innovative idea's. His latest project Talking Trees is getting a lot of attention at this moment. Look at www.talkingtrees.com
Gemaakt door: Joris Swinkels Eerste aflevering: 10-04-2022
De podcast Bubbels heeft in totaal 30 afleveringen
Maker: Joris Swinkels Datum: 15-10-2019
Maker: Joris Swinkels Datum: 01-11-2019
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