PATREON ?? Op 16 september 2021 schrijft Marte van Os het volgende bericht in een instagram-post: 'During the seven years I lived in China, whenever I’d be back home or traveling around the world, people would ask me questions like: Do the Chinese realize they’re being censored? Don’t they mind that they cannot access certain websites because the government has openly blocked them? Do they really believe that everything they see on the news is objective, and that it covers the full story? Do they really believe that the government has the people’s best interest at heart? With my now favorite question: what’s up with that social credit system and all those facial recognition cameras?' 'So for the past year and half I’ve been looking around me, wondering where the hidden cameras are located. When I talk to my family or friends about how doctors, medical experts and people raising critical questions are being censored all around the world, including in the Netherlands, they tell me I'm being ridiculous cause censorship only happens in countries like China or Brazil but obviously not in our great democracy (and surely censorship would be on the news?) When I explain that websites and social media accounts are being taken offline, I'm told that it's because those websites and accounts are dangerous for our public health and safety. When I say that the mainstream media's job is to make people think and believe a certain way and they therefore push a specific narrative that one is not allowed to derive from, they reply that they read a bunch of different (MSM) newspapers (which is supposed to show their great critical thinking?) When I ask if they really still trust the government after all the gigantic scandals that are continuously coming out, and with the government officials constantly showing they don't abide by (or taking seriously) their own rules that they mandate to the rest of society, my friends and family tell me that they also think the government is f*cking up, but that this time, and when it comes down to it, it's all for our best interest.' Nu het debat omtrent 2G de verdeeldheid tussen gevaccineerden en ongevaccineerden verder vergroot, wordt het hoog tijd om de verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen de Chinese samenleving en onze westerse wereld eens nader onder de loep te nemen. Is het kredietsysteem werkelijk zo duizelingwekkend als het door sommige tegenstemmen wordt gevreesd? En leven wij in onze eigen samenleving, die grotendeels is gebaseerd op sociaal en cultureel kapitaal (met één vastomlijnd meta-narratief), niet allang in een vergelijkbaar sociaal kredietsysteem? De hele post van Marte van Os vindt je hier: *** ?? Steun het kanaal via Patreon: ?? Steun het kanaal via Petje af: ?? Volg het debat op Instagram: ?? SUBSCRIBE op het YouTube-kanaal en krijg notificaties van nieuwste afl: *** Audio nabewerking: Jasper Djosa Cremers Mecenas Patreon: Josha Sietsma
Gemaakt door: Michiel Lieuwma Eerste aflevering: 25-03-2022
De podcast Boze Geesten Podcast heeft in totaal 153 afleveringen
Maker: Michiel Lieuwma Datum: 09-11-2021
Maker: Michiel Lieuwma Datum: 30-11-2021
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