Techlab podcast Techlab

In this podcast we share our experience with you to learn and entertain. Showing you our approach to IT, e-commerce and retail tech platforms. We are looking into the things that we’re enthusiastic about that are happening here at As always, we have a bunch of ideas to share… This is how we do IT! Topics in the episodes vary from: - tech oriented, for instance the introduction of new programming languages - business-tech oriented, for instance the way we apply data science in retail challenges - way of working in tech, cultural aspects and agility

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 6-12-2019 22:14:51
  • Maker: Techlab
  • Taal: en_US
  • Laatste RSS update: 5-5-2022 13:51:00
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 1-5-2019 08:21:52
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 4-4-2022 16:01:35


83 Afleveringen

  • 45:08

    Imagine you want to buy something. You go to and you start typing the article in the search bar. Automatically you will be served suggestions and as a result, you want a limited number of articles from our 30 million products catal ...

  • 47:10

    Engineering Productivity With the growth of our engineering community, the need for more focus on engineering productivity is clear. We invited two experts to discuss this topic with us. We actually got to this point when one of our listen ...

  • 55:24

    How interaction resulted in a guest appearance “We like interactions and feedback”, that’s what we say in our outro. The guest of our show reacted to one of our podcasts earlier this year. We reached out to him and invited him to the podca ...

  • 48:19

    How Data Science supports us to predict the unpredictable Just like for any store, forecasting is an important tool to support the business and its profitability.  At we have worked on several major iterations of our forecast. One ...

  • 45:15

    Why build an open-source FTP server in Rust? Sometimes, I must admit I’m a little dazzled by all the languages, frameworks and stuff our engineers work with. So, when our guest of today explained to me some of the intriguing aspects of the ...

  • 50:11

    Who is the Podcast Guest? This will be a bonus episode. Maybe not that tech-related but instead you will listen to a very energetic, passionate and inspiring person: The Podcast Guest. Who knows a lot about asking the right questions and w ...

  • 43:20

      Next level leveraging cloud computing  We moved 70% of our services to the cloud and new services start in the cloud unless… Time to dive into a topic brought up by our tech leads. Want to know how you can maximize your cloud benefits? A ...

  • 48:55

    Writing an article is reflection, publishing it is getting feedback Learning from our colleagues. That is important to us. So, we were delighted when we found another great piece of this on LinkedIn, Elinore shared. to inspire others who a ...

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