If you are a regular listener to the podcast or an e-commerce watcher, you know “the season” is very important for us. It is a yearly recurring theme in the podcast. You are probably also aware that uptime and responsiveness of our app and website are crucial. And you might have noticed that enabling our software engineers to perform at their peak is very important for us. Enabling teams and engineers is what we do to build a great place to engineer. And sometimes things just go sour. A perfect… The post How could this happen – podcast appeared first on bol.com Techlab.
Gemaakt door: bol.com Techlab Eerste aflevering: 06-12-2019
De podcast bol.com Techlab heeft in totaal 83 afleveringen
Maker: bol.com Techlab Datum: 03-11-2021
Maker: bol.com Techlab Datum: 25-11-2021
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