Balcony podcast

Balcony Podcast

Balcony Podcast

Hoi from the balcony! In order to build bridges between the fresh photographers and the more experienced ones, Hanna initiated the Balcony Podcast. She talks with visual artists, researchers and journalists about their thoughts on photography and society.

  • Podcast gepubliceerd op: 7/24/2022 1:07:00 AM
  • Maker: Hanna Burgers
  • Taal: nl-nl
  • Laatste RSS update: 9/7/2024 2:50:00 PM
  • Datum eerste aflevering: 1/21/2021 3:38:57 PM
  • Datum laatste aflevering: 7/25/2024 2:56:19 PM

11 Afleveringen

  • 00:31:19

    Sabine Rovers (b. United Kingdom, 1992) is a social documentary photographer, creating work that is led by a constant curiosity and an urge to understand and connect with new people, communities and subcultures she comes across. ...


Disclaimer:De podcast artwork geembed op deze pagina is het eigendom van de eigenaar/ maker van de podcast en is niet op enige wijze geaffilieeerd met
