I am finally back, yihoooo!, after a period of BIG changes in my own life. I want to inspire you today on shifting your consciousness, stepping onto a new timeline, following your own path and living the best life you allow yourself to have. That's actually what I teach my clients too: how to shift their perspective on their own marriage, so they can change things around, not feeling stuck anymore but powerful. It is a one way street, no way back. Why? Let me explain in this episode: shifting consciousness is forever! ?
Gemaakt door: Mirjam Maris Eerste aflevering: 29-06-2020
De podcast Back To Love - The Podcast heeft in totaal 142 afleveringen
Maker: Mirjam Maris Datum: 06-12-2019
Maker: Mirjam Maris Datum: 12-03-2020
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