Aflevering Fundraising, The Basics (En) - Grantiou Fundraising

· Aflevering van de podcast: Alles over Fondsenwerving

This episode of the podcast is for those who want to start with fundraising. By request of some international friend this episode is in English. I hope it will help you to raise funds for your wonderfulp cause.

Alles over Fondsenwerving

Alles over Fondsenwerving

Gemaakt door: Gerald van Dijk Eerste aflevering: 11-09-2022

De podcast Alles over Fondsenwerving heeft in totaal 42 afleveringen

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Fundraising, The Basics (EN) - Grantiou Fundraising

Alles over Fondsenwerving · 30-01-2021

00:00 00:12:49