Numero 078 is finally out there! We're very proud and happy the 078Podcasts online mixes has reach the characteristic number 078th edition. Since 2013, almost every month a fresh new DJ mix from local artists with homebase Dordrecht or a good connection to local area number 078. If we looking forward many more online mixes will come. Also some events will see light.. even this year some good things will happen so stay tuned with 078Podcasts! Enjoy our celebration with the 078 PODCASTS 078 . All DJ sets recordings from Geheime Deuntjes 2020 online edition. ENJOY! Timetable 17.30 - 18.30 Roel Kant @roel-66799548 18.30 - 19.30 Denman @djdenman b2b Dr Doozle @hausvader 19.30 - 20.30 Laurens Klein @discotiek 20.30 - 21.30 Indy Ocean @indy-de-rijke 21.30 - 22.15 Dennis Cohn @denniscohn 22.15 - 23.00 Ralphy Tha Funkaholic @rzebregs 23.00 - 23.45 Wiers @wiers
Gemaakt door: Eerste aflevering: 19-06-2022
De podcast 078 PODCASTS heeft in totaal 165 afleveringen
Maker: Datum: 15-10-2021
Maker: Datum: 17-12-2021
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